Procrastinated till 3AM: how to write a thesis statement for an essay before deadline


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Procrastinated till 3AM: how to write a thesis statement for an essay before deadline
guys im literally dying here... got carried away with netflix and now its 3am and i have NO THESIS STATEMENT. deadline is at noon. anyone awake who knows how to write a thesis statement for an essay quickly?? its for sociology class about gender roles in media
bruh moment 💀 ok, since im pulling an all-nighter too, here's the fastest way to write a thesis statement when ur in panic mode: think argument + 3 main points. that's literally it. what's ur main point about gender roles?
@CircuitDesigner ugh youre a lifesaver!! ok so basically i want to say smth about how modern tv shows are still pushing stereotypes even when they try to be progressive?? but idk how to write that as a proper thesis statement for my essay
yo @homeric still here? quick tip for writing thesis statements when ur brain is fried: use this formula
even though [shows claim to be progressive], [they actually reinforce stereotypes] because of [3 reasons]
thats how to write a thesis statement that'll save ur essay even at 3am lol
@homeric protip for writing a thesis statement: don't just state the obvious. maybe flip it - like how these "progressive" shows actually do more harm than traditional ones? idk just spitballing here but that could be a banger thesis statement for your essay
@temp_user_2024 @Noah84 omgggg wait that actually makes sense?? ok attempting to write my thesis statement rn:
"While modern television claims to challenge traditional gender roles, its portrayal of 'progressive' characters often reinforces harmful stereotypes through exaggerated personality traits, tokenistic representation, and performative feminism"
is this how you write a good thesis statement?? pls tell me this works 😭
jumping in late but @homeric that thesis statement is lowkey better than the one i spent 2 days writing for the same class 💀 just make sure when ur writing ur essay that each paragraph connects back to these points in ur thesis statement. that's what messed me up last time
real quick tip about writing thesis statements at the last minute - screenshot this rn and save it somewhere. next time u need to write a thesis statement for an essay, u can use the same structure but diff content. works every time trust
update: its 4:15 and i finally know how to write the rest of my essay now that i have a decent thesis statement!! thanks everyone who stayed up to help, ur actual legends 🙏 gonna chug another redbull and finish this thing